The mental and the physical are ultimately two sides of the same coin – and both are equally important. Your mental and physical wellbeing are inextricably linked. There are countless physiological processes that influence cognition and mood – in the same way that your mindset and mental health can have a direct impact on your heart health, gut health, pain tolerance, physical strength, coordination, and countless other processes.

Even today, researchers haven’t fully exhausted the topic of the mind-and-body connection, and all the ways our mindset can affect our health, and vice versa.

The link between the mind and the body is equal parts terrifying and inspiring – and understanding the ways in which both your mind and your body play a role in each other’s health can give you a greater appreciation for both, and the importance of balancing your physical health with your mental wellness – especially in long-term recovery.


The mind and body are often separated, but naturally function as one. The human mind, as far as we understand it today, consists of conscious and subconscious routines made possible through a network of billions and billions of nerve cells, each of which rely on the overall health of the body to function optimally.

Physical deficits can affect the brain and nervous system both in the short-term and the long-term, negatively impacting our mood, cognition, and memory through the release of certain neurotransmitters and hormones, or lack thereof.

But the same can be said the other way around. Time and time again, research proves the power of placebo – as well as the importance of mindset and expectations in achieving positive patient outcomes after surgery. The mind is so powerful that knowing others are praying for you can make a difference in the outcome of a major surgery, versus not knowing.

The importance of mental wellness for physical health and the other way around should encourage us to consider both mental and physical health conditions within a more complex biopsychosocial model: taking into account the different factors that influence a person’s health biologically, psychologically, and even socially.

That is the essence of holistic medicine – and one of our key tenets at The Verve.


Here at The Verve, we encourage our clients to embrace lifestyle changes in addition to our treatment plans.

One of the easiest ways to make a significant difference in both your physical and mental wellbeing is to tackle the quality of your sleep. Sleep hygiene is an underappreciated topic in both physical and mental health, despite being a prevalent issue – about a third of American adults do not get enough sleep, and about a quarter of adults aged 30 to 70 struggle with obstructive sleep apnea or some other form of sleep impairment.

Furthermore, an alarming 40 percent of teens and over a quarter of parents in the US check their smartphones within five minutes of going to bed, and even continue to use their phones well into the middle of the night. This is significant, because excessive late-night screentime might be one of the most common disruptors for a good night’s sleep, due to the effect that a device’s screen light has on the human circadian rhythm.

Embracing a healthier sleeping routine – beginning with better and consistent bedtime rituals, consequent caps on night-time screens, and avoiding the phone or other screens for at least an hour after waking up –may have an immediate impact on sleep quality, and lead to better mental and physical health.



More and more people are embracing dietary changes as an important part of physical and mental health. You are what you eat, after all – and there is plenty of supporting research to suggest that a good diet doesn’t just improve heart health and longevity but can play a role in the health and wellbeing of the gut, the second brain of the body, and a crucial player in emotional regulation and mood management.

Research on the gut’s impact on mental health – and, consequently, the effect of better dietary habits on gut health and mood – is still in its infancy, but early results are promising. While a dietary plan might not work as a sole treatment for conditions like major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety, it may contribute heavily to the success of a holistic program that incorporates other positive changes and established therapeutic programs.


The benefits of incorporating consistent movement habits and exercise in an addiction treatment or mental health program are myriad. For one, regular movement can help improve longevity and stave off chronic health issues.

However, movement can also be a great impetus for social engagement, and help in the development and upkeep of interpersonal skills.

Getting moving can also help reduce cravings, and manage symptoms of anxiety and addiction. Last but not least, regular movement and exercise can improve sleep and self-image, reduce sugar cravings, and reinforce healthy eating habits.

Movement comes in all shapes and sizes. Rather than strictly emphasizing exercise, we at The Verve want clients to know that it’s all about finding the movement activity that best fits them.

Many risk factors for mental health problems contribute to each other and form a vicious cycle. But the same is true for protective factors and lifestyle changes. Many individual lifestyle changes add up to create a cycle of positive reinforcement. The tough part is getting started.


Embrace health and wellness today. Our treatment approach at The Verve teams up every individual client with a peer professional, and introduces them to the larger Verve Community. Between our peer-to-peer programming and our frequent group dynamics, clients are encouraged on all sides to commit to the treatment process, and embrace long-term recovery.

Do you have questions about our treatment modalities, philosophies, or methods? Get started with us today by calling (202) 816-6006 or sending us a message via our contact form. We’re open to all questions.

Recovery from addiction, mental health needs, or whatever life may throw our way, takes more than just a fresh start.

It takes a dedicated support team, a robust recovery community, and a tailored therapeutic program to help you realize your potential. The Verve IOP is hear to help you, your family, and your entire recovery support team navigate the road ahead, together.

Recovery Reimagined

A new take on what your recovery can be.

At The Verve you can design and create a recovery program that works for YOU!
You can unpack who you are today and discover your potential to help you build a future of endless possibilities.



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Higher-Quality Support for High-Performing Individuals


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